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Paulina González Rocha, Chilean poet and photographer in Ireland.

Paulina González Rocha

HOLA LATINOS!…we are back once again with the best of Latin America in Ireland. This time Radio Latina is in studios with Victor Flores and our new member: Sian Cowman. On our show of September 18th, to celebrate the Chilean community in Ireland, we were delighted to have in studio Paulina González Rocha, a Chilean poet and photographer living in Ireland. We talked about art as activism; the Chilean dictatorship; Paulina’s experience of learning English in Ireland; and we were treated to a poetry reading!  The show also features music from Chile’s most loved musicians, Violeta Parra and Victor Jara.

Listen the full interview and the show here:

[mixcloudález-rocha-chilean-poet-and-photographer-living-in-ireland/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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