Last week we had Marea Granate (MG) Dublin in Radio Latina @ Near 90.3 fm. MG are a transnational movement formed by a diaspora of emigrated Spaniards and their supporters, whose goal is to fight against the real causes of the current economic crisis that have forced so many Spaniards to emigrate. This is their website: We also started off two more sections of our show: «Fuera de Juego» and «Taberna Polifonica». If you like football and Latin American music bands, you would love these two new additions. Click here to listen our latest podcasts. Contact us or write us an email to if you would like to come to the show as a guest or collaborate with us. We are on air at Near 90.3 fm every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm (Dublin time). Listen to us in Dublin or over the internet here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @radiolatinadub @nearfm @mareagranate

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