HOLA LATINOS!…This is the show 246 of Radio Latina en Dublin, and this time presented by Albano Diaz from Mexico, and for this show Albano brings some updates about everything is happening in Latin America, the national strike in Chile,Bolivia and Colombia. Also Albano and Victor commented on the political asylum of the ex president of Bolivia, Evo Morales in Mexico, the reasons and consequences of their stay in that country.
Also, as every week we have the Top 10 chart with the most popular Latino music, the most relevant of the recent celebration of the Latin Grammy 2019 and the controversial way of protest of Mon Laferte. Listen the full show now here, just click below.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-246-hablemos-de-latinoamérica-y-evo-morales-en-mexico/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]