HOLA LATINOS!… This time we had an special guest in the studios of NearFM, Kevin Herm Connolly, Irish singer and songwriter. Kevin shared with his experience living and traveling as musician in Latin America and especially his time when he was in Peru. He remembers the people, the food and the of course the music from Peru, and the impact of a very popular Peruvian song «Cariñito» on Latin people, therefore he translated the song in English and this time he played the song in our show.
Kevin has future projects and events coming up like a gig this on Sunday 27th of October to present his new single «I am still in love with you» at The DC Music Club. You can find more information on his website www.kevinhermconnolly.com/
You can listen the full interview with Kevin here:
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/radiolatinadublin/show-241-viva-la-vida-festival-in-studio-kevin-herm-connoly-singing-the-peruvian-song-cariñito/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]