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Antonieta Lupo tells her story in the section «Aqui nos tocó vivir»

Antonieta Lupo told her story to the new section  of Radio Latina «Aqui Nos toco Vivir».

This 2017 Radio Latina started with full of energy. We have new people who joined to our team, and new sections to share with all of you, one of the new sections is «Aqui nos toco vivir», this section will bring the stories of regular people living in Ireland, but with stories to tell, this time Erika Blanco interviewed Antonieta Lupo, she was born in 1944 in Marsala, Sicilia when the second war ended in Italy and all her family had to immigrate to Venezuela, after many years she ended in Ireland, now she shared her story to Radio Latina. You can listen the show again here:

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